inspiring lifestyles one bouquet at a time.


At Dutchess Bouquets, we understand the importance of staying current with modern floral trends. Our creations are carefully crafted to appeal to a wide range of tastes and preferences. With a focus on innovation, our modern designs feature unique elements such as intricate color palettes, expert enhancement techniques, and rich layers that add a contemporary touch to each bouquet. Let Dutchess Bouquets be your guide to trending up in style!

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We are dedicated to growing and crafting products that anyone would proudly gift or display in their home. Our collections are meticulously curated to offer a diverse range of styles and designs to cater to various tastes, retails, seasons and holidays. Whether you lean towards modern and chic, cozy and rustic, or elegant and classic, we have options to suit everyone. Each collection is carefully designed to blend beauty, budget & practicality into daily life. Our aim is to offer distinctive floral collections that bring delight and inspiration to your store and the end consumer's home or recipient.

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market bunches

Our collection of premium consumer bunches feature the world's finest flowers, carefully selected for freshness and beauty.  A typical market consumer bunch typically includes 3-12 stems of a single flower type. Designed to impress discerning customers, our farms create abundant and stunning bunches with a focus on quality, freshness, and outstanding service. We offer customized packages and programs for retailers, making us a valuable partner by introducing innovative flower varieties that keep your offerings relevant and attractive.

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At Dutchess Bouquets, we're all about flowers that match your attitude, your wallet, and those special moments in life! 

Flowers make you feel good. That’s why it’s our mission to spread joy in the world by providing fresh flowers for the commercial market that are affordable, beautiful and make people smile. The simple act of giving and receiving flowers can be a reminder that there is beauty in the world for all to share. We want everyone to feel the joy that flowers bring.

We’ve been "Inspiring Lifestyles One Bouquet at a Time" for over a decade, consistently offering the freshest flowers with distinctive designs and themes to the grocery and fresh produce sector of the market.

We specialize in Preserved Rose Products, Fresh Mixed Bouquets, Market Bunches, Arrangements and Themed Lifestyle Collections.

From our farms to your home, we strive daily to maintain ourselves as one of the best sources of top quality fresh cut flowers. Our rigid quality control standards guarantee you dependable, top quality fresh cut flowers from Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru & Guatemala.

Upcoming events


    June 5 - 7, 2024

    Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Global Produce & Floral Show

    October 17 - 19, 2024

    Atlanta, Georgia

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